Monday, October 4, 2021

Administration For Community Living Address

ACL administers an array of Older Americans Act-funded programs, such as its chronic disease self-management education programs, through grant making to the aging network. The Positive Self-Management Program, developed at Stanford University, is offered to older adults with HIV in Maine through one ACL grantee, and there are other health and wellness programs that grantees have tailored and packaged for older adults living with HIV. Additionally, ACL's Office of Healthcare Information and Counseling manages the State Health Insurance Assistance Program . SHIP counsels Medicare-eligible individuals to assist them with making informed health insurance decisions, which is helpful to those who are receiving Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program services.

administration for community living address - ACL administers an array of Older Americans Act-funded programs

Lastly, ACL's resource centers support grantees' work with targeted populations to provide services to historically underserved minority communities. In particular, the SAGE National Resource Center on LGBT Aging provides HIV and aging resources to ACL's grantees and the communities they serve. Whether it be home modification, transportation to medical appointments, or caregiver and home delivery meal services, all of ACL's programs "can be of benefit to people over 60 with HIV," as noted by Andrea. As an operating division of the US Department of Health and Human Services, ACL is not required to have its own Chief Data Officer or Statistical Official.

administration for community living address - The Positive Self-Management Program

But ACL does have a governance structure to coordinate the use of evidence for program operations and policy making. The Office of Performance and Evaluation staff work with staff across ACL to define and implement ACL's learning agenda and evaluation plan. This includes semi-annual meetings with ACL leadership and management staff and annual consultation with all program managers.

administration for community living address - Additionally

In FY 2019 ACL funded a council to improve ACL's data governance, including the development of improved processes and standards for defining, collecting, reviewing, certifying, analyzing, and presenting data that ACL collects through its evaluations, grant reporting, and other administrative data collections. ACL is also a member of the Interagency Committee on Disability Research and the Interagency Forum on Aging Related Statistics. These councils promote coordination of federal data, set federal research priorities, work closely with policy makers, and inform comprehensive government wide strategic plans for aging, disability, independent living, and rehabilitation research.

administration for community living address - SHIP counsels Medicare-eligible individuals to assist them with making informed health insurance decisions

The ACL Business Acumen Learning Collaborative2 is a community-level effort to improve the business acumen of the organizations and agencies that provide community-based services. Greenlee noted the tremendous support that The John A. Hartford Foundation and The SCAN Foundation have given as ACL has worked to change the network of services it supports and to make previously free services more sustainable in an uncertain funding climate. "We are taking a national network of nonprofits—the area agencies on aging centers for independent living—and changing their fundamental business structure," Greenlee said. "Not their mission, not their value, not their contribution, their structure." These are primarily grant-based organizations that receive money from the federal government via the states and the Older Americans Act, she explained. They are learning to become providers, to demonstrate their economic value, and to bill for their services.

administration for community living address - Lastly

Possible opportunities include establishing meal providers that hospitals can contract with to deliver meals to the home of someone recently released from the hospital. Other services that might be able to generate fees rather than subsist on grants include community-based transportation networks and case management. There is still a role for services that are provided free of charge, Greenlee said. The challenge is that there is an assumption that all of the free community services are plentiful and will continue to be available for the clients of large long-term care providers, managed-care organizations, and hospital systems, even in an uncertain funding climate.

administration for community living address - In particular

As the Obama Administration comes to a close, Greenlee and her colleagues at HHS have been working on a proposed budget for 2017. One question the Office of Management and Budget has asked was why the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is not doing this work. The Division for Community Living partners with more than 60 community based organizations that look to the agency for oversight and funding. ACL advocates across the federal government for older adults, people with disabilities, and families and caregivers; funds services and supports provided primarily by states and networks of community-based programs; and invests in training, education, research, and innovation. We manage a variety of programs , providing assistance on health and wellness, protecting rights and preventing abuse, supporting consumer control, strengthening the networks of community-based organizations, funding research, and much more. Staff of the Office for Performance and Evaluation oversee the evaluations and act as liaisons between program staff and evaluation contractors.

administration for community living address - Whether it be home modification

While program staff are encouraged to write forwards for evaluation reports, they do not influence the findings. ACL's evaluation policy states that ACL will conduct evaluations through the competitive award of grants and contracts to external experts who are free from conflicts of interest. Further, the Director of the Office of Planning and Evaluation has authority to approve the design of evaluation projects and analysis plans as well as to approve, release and disseminate evaluation reports. While all ACL programs are required to report on program results, over the past 10 years ACL has evaluated or is in the process of evaluating at least one program in 55% percent of its major budget lines.

administration for community living address - As an operating division of the US Department of Health and Human Services

The programs least likely to be evaluated are resource centers and projects like State Councils on Developmental Disabilities that are self-governing organizations charged with identifying the most pressing needs of people with developmental disabilities in their state or territory. Evaluation data have been used to improve programs through updating funding requirements and refocusing technical assistance. The programs are engaging in a range of activities designed to meet the needs of the communities and individuals they serve. Programs target long-term services and supports to persons living with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias as well as paid and unpaid caregivers. While each program is different, all include activities designed to support special populations, including low-income and minority communities, people with ADRD who live alone, and individuals living with intellectual and developmental disabilities at risk of developing a dementia. ACL provides technical assistance to grantees related to using evidence-based programs and building evidence.

administration for community living address - But ACL does have a governance structure to coordinate the use of evidence for program operations and policy making

For example, theNational Resource Center on Nutrition and Aging provides research-based insight into different programs and approaches that deliver nutrition-related home- and community-based services administered through grants to the 56 states and territories. ACL's Alzheimer's Disease Supportive Services Program grant program supports state efforts to expand the availability of community-level supportive services including the translation of evidence-based models into community-level practice in their programs. The 68 University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service throughout the United States and its territories serve as liaisons between academia and the community. They fund model demonstrations to build evidence for addressing issues, finding solutions, and advancing research related to the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

administration for community living address - The Office of Performance and Evaluation staff work with staff across ACL to define and implement ACLs learning agenda and evaluation plan

During the course of ACL's work on improving business acumen and the coordination of LTSS, four key issues have emerged that should be kept in mind as this work moves forward, Greenlee said. "If we monetize , people will have to know that they are buying something that has an outcome that they want," she said. However, she said, focusing on quality outcomes is hard for the aging services network because of its historic emphasis on outputs, not outcomes.

administration for community living address - This includes semi-annual meetings with ACL leadership and management staff and annual consultation with all program managers

For example, when ACL instituted a requirement that states and area agencies could only spend Older Americans Act funds on evidence-based programs, there was some resistance. This requirement was a signal that an exercise program at a senior center could not be created just because someone volunteered to run it. The exercise program must have fidelity and be replicated with outcomes that are proven, Greenlee explained. Toward this end, HHS has asked the National Quality Forum to identify the domains needed for quality measures of LTSS.

administration for community living address - In FY 2019 ACL funded a council to improve ACLs data governance

The next step, Greenlee said, is to invest in research to populate these domains with data. Although some data are available at the local level, the research for home- and community-based services needs to be taken to a much larger scale. ACL released a funding opportunity in 2019 titled Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Improving Employment Outcomes for People with Psychiatric Disabilities. This is based onIndividual Placement and Support , which is an evidence-based supported employment model that has been demonstrated to improve employment outcomes for people with psychiatric disabilities.

administration for community living address - ACL is also a member of the Interagency Committee on Disability Research and the Interagency Forum on Aging Related Statistics

ACL made similar grants in 2017 and 2018 and is evaluating the outcomes of those grants. The Older Americans Act of 1965 , as amended, created the primary vehicle for organizing, coordinating and providing community-based services and opportunities for older Americans and their families. All individuals 60 years or older are eligible for services under the OAA, although priority attention is given to those who are in greatest need.

administration for community living address - These councils promote coordination of federal data

The Senior Community Service Employment program, a part of the OAA currently administrated by the U.S. Department of Labor, offers part-or full time employment to low- income who are 55 years or older. AoA awards funds for supportive home and community-based services to the SUA's, which are located in every state and U.S. territory. The Area Agencies on Aging receive funds from their State Units on Aging (SUA's) to plan , develop, coordinate and arrange for services to assist the older persons who are in greatest need in each planning and service area. Provider agencies and public and private groups provide The administration on Aging is the federal focal point and advocate agency for older person and their concerns.

administration for community living address - The ACL Business Acumen Learning Collaborative2 is a community-level effort to improve the business acumen of the organizations and agencies that provide community-based services

AoA works to heighten awareness among other federal agencies organizations, groups and the public about valuable contributions that older Americans make to the nation and alerts them to the needs of vulnerable older people. Through information and referral and outreach efforts at the community level, AoA seeks to educate older people and their caregivers about the benefits and services available to help them. She said that to do this work effectively, it is necessary to be able to live with dissonance. Disability and aging, for example, both have a history of stigma and discrimination, but they are not the same history, and civil rights factors into the field of disability in a way that it does not in aging. Therefore, bridging the fields of aging and disability requires patience, good intentions, and a lot of discussion about fundamental issues and clear communication about meaning. "The goal is not to think the same way or to be the same at all, but to have and articulate the same objectives," Greenlee said.

administration for community living address - Greenlee noted the tremendous support that The John A

ACL has a shared vision of what it means to be an autonomous person living in the community with a need for both prevention services and supports. Greenlee cautioned that it is possible to get lost in the complexities of distinguishing between the different fields but to remain respectful and comfortable living with the differences. She said that ACL has changed some of the language it uses to accommodate the differences in how the aging and disability communities think and talk about "choice," living in community "for a lifetime," and end-of-life care. She said that disability and aging work will not be the same, but there are opportunities because they share common threats and common goals, such as the threat of the medical community dictating how individuals should live their lives and the goal of individuals living their lives how they want them to be.

administration for community living address - We are taking a national network of nonprofitsthe area agencies on aging centers for independent livingand changing their fundamental business structure

The Administration on Disabilities within the Administration for Community Living will award a single grant in fiscal year to develop a Community of Practice designed to build capacity across and within States' aging and disability networks to support futures planning for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD). Specifically, the purpose of the grant is to build capacity across the networks to support individuals with ID/DD and their families better plan for their future across the lifespan, including addressing key social determinants of health in order to more effectively address the individual's needs, goals, and preferences. Since 2017, ACL has awardedInnovations in Nutrition grants to 11 organizations to develop and expand evidence-based approaches to enhance the quality and effectiveness of nutrition programming. ACL is currently overseeing five grantees for innovative projects that will enhance the quality, effectiveness, and outcomes of nutrition services programs provided by the national aging services network.

administration for community living address - Not their mission

Through this grant program, ACL aims to identify innovative and promising practices that can be scaled across the country and to increase the use of evidence-informed practices within nutrition programs. Grantees are required to provide evidence that they are meeting grant program outcomes as well as lessons learned about what works and how they overcame challenges faced. For example, the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers Program for a RERC on Rehabilitation Strategies, Techniques, and Interventions is sponsored by NIDILRR. It engages in the systematic application of engineering sciences to design, develop, adapt, test, evaluate, apply, and distribute technological solutions to problems confronted by people with disabilities in functional areas such as mobility, communications, hearing, vision, and cognition. ACL's Alzheimer's Disease Programs to States and Communities (HHS-2018-ACL-AOA-ADPI-0307) is informed by the work and recommendations of National Alzheimer's Project Act Advisory Committee. The Alzheimer's Disease Programs Initiative is implemented with authority contained within Title IV of the Older Americans Act.

administration for community living address - They are learning to become providers

It is designed to pilot dementia-capable home- and community-based services programs to states and communities, evaluate program outcomes, and use program outcome data to garner support to sustain successful initiatives beyond the federal program period. ACL has a number of model programs and demonstration grants that propose and test the use of innovative approaches. For example, ACL funded cooperative agreements for the development and testing of model approaches towards coordinated and comprehensive systems for enhancing and assuring the independence, integration, safety, health, and well-being of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities living in the community (i.e. Living Well Grants).

administration for community living address - Possible opportunities include establishing meal providers that hospitals can contract with to deliver meals to the home of someone recently released from the hospital

While the evaluation of this program is not yet complete, initial findings about what works were integrated into the requirements of the funding announcement for the FY18 award cycle. ACL uses a quality review system for developmental disability programs under ACL's/Administration for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities . The QRS uses a three-tiered model to review program compliance, outcomes (i.e., evidence), and fiscal operations to review results to target and coordinate technical assistance. Tier three is customized monitoring for programs that ACL has significant concerns in terms of compliance and performance.

administration for community living address - Other services that might be able to generate fees rather than subsist on grants include community-based transportation networks and case management

ACL continues development of a formula grant monitoring framework for Older Americans Act Title III and VII state formula grants. The framework combines assessments of grantee's progress toward program goals and objectives with identification of risk or instances of fraud, waste and abuse. These reviews allow ACL, if warranted, to restrict grant funding based on findings of insufficient evidence of performance. The regional staff conduct annual reviews with the state units on aging to review the states' work under their state plans on aging . There are also checks of how and whether states verify the quality of their performance data.

administration for community living address - There is still a role for services that are provided free of charge

ACL uses this information to inform TA directed to improve program operations, results, and return on investment. When making decisions about continued grant funding, NIDILRR uses a risk scale to determine whether the additional funding will be a good use of funds. NIDILRR's long range plan also describes research as part of their new employment research agenda to continue development of return-on-investment models that can be used by Vocational Rehabilitation agencies to optimize the services they provide. The third key issue relates to technology and, in particular, the development of interoperable electronic health record systems. Greenlee pointed to research on care transitions, funded by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, as evidence that the lack of access that community-based organizations have to EHRs is a fundamental barrier to these organizations successfully moving forward. In some cases local organizations, such as the Area Agency on Aging in San Diego County—an aging and disability resource center—have gone so far as to build their own systems to interface with regional hospitals.

administration for community living address - The challenge is that there is an assumption that all of the free community services are plentiful and will continue to be available for the clients of large long-term care providers

"Technology will keep the aging network and disability programs and local communities . At the starting gate if we don't talk about it, because no one is investing in ," said Greenlee. Kathy Greenlee of ACL and HHS began her presentation by recounting how when she first began working as the Assistant Secretary for Aging in 2009, HHS was putting together working groups to prepare for what would eventually become known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act1 .

administration for community living address - As the Obama Administration comes to a close

She recalled how she and Henry Claypool, who was then Secretary Kathleen Sebelius's advisor on disability policy, would receive the lists of those who were to be members of the working groups, and neither one of them would be included. "That was troubling to us and also an early warning that health reform was not long-term care reform," Greenlee said. Although long-term care reform is occurring, she added, it was not organized that way, nor was there recognition of the connection to community-based work on aging and disability. It was for this reason that Greenlee, Claypool, and Sharon Lewis—then the Administrator of the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities—worked to create ACL. They envisioned ACL as the agency at HHS where the voices of older adults and people with disabilities would be heard in the health reform conversations.

administration for community living address - One question the Office of Management and Budget has asked was why the Centers for Medicare  Medicaid Services is not doing this work

The Administration for Community Living was created around the fundamental principle that older adults and people of all ages with disabilities should be able to live where they choose, with the people they choose, and with the ability to participate fully in their communities. By funding services and supports provided by networks of community-based organizations, and with investments in research, education, and innovation, ACL helps make this principle a reality for millions of Americans. The Disability Information and Access Line is now available to help people with disabilities find vaccination locations in their communities, assist callers with making vaccination appointments, and connect callers to local services – such as accessible transportation – to overcome barriers to vaccination.

administration for community living address - The Division for Community Living partners with more than 60 community based organizations that look to the agency for oversight and funding

The hotline also can provide information and resources to answer questions and address concerns about the vaccines and can connect callers to information and services that promote independent living and address fundamental needs, such as food, housing, and transportation. ACL uses innovation dollars provided under Title IV of the Older Americans Act as a means of testing new approaches to service delivery and developing replicable models that could then be embedded into core programs. In FY16, ACL established the Elder Justice Innovation Grants program to increase knowledge about effective prevention and intervention of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of older adults, native elders, adults with disabilities, people who self-neglect, and guardianship abuse. In FY18, ACL monitored the second year of 2-year grants awarded to 5 non-profit organizations in FY17, totaling $2.2 million.

administration for community living address - ACL advocates across the federal government for older adults

In FY18, ACL awarded grants under the Alzheimer's Disease Programs to States and Communities HHS-2018-ACL-AOA-ADPI-0307 to pilot innovative dementia-capable home- and community-based services programs to states and communities. Department of Health and Human Services, ACL is not required to have its own strategic data plan and utilizes HHS's data strategy. In 2019, ACL created a council to improve ACL's data governance, including the development of improved processes and standards for defining, collecting, reviewing, certifying, analyzing, and presenting data that ACL collects through its evaluation, grant reporting, and administrative performance measures. In addition, the council will help the Office of Performance and Evaluation meet its mission to provide and promote high quality, transparent information to support sound decision-making. The reorganization will strengthen our efforts to support community living, regardless of age.

administration for community living address - We manage a variety of programs

All Americans - including people with disabilities and seniors - should be able to live at home with the supports they need, participating in communities that value their contributions. To help meet these needs, HHS is creating a new organization, the Administration for Community Living with the goal of increasing access to community supports and full participation, while focusing attention and resources on the unique needs of older Americans and people with disabilities. The Association for Community Living is a statewide membership organization of not-for-profit agencies that provide housing and rehabilitation services to 40,000 people diagnosed with serious and persistent psychiatric disabilities. The day-to-day rehabilitative and support activities performed in community residential and other housing settings are vital for people who face the daily challenges of living with a psychiatric disability and want to live independent, productive and satisfying lives as members of the community. UCEDDs are a nationwide network of independent but interlinked centers, representing an expansive national resource for addressing issues, finding solutions, and advancing research related to the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. According to the funding opportunity announcement applications are also reviewed based on their description of current or previous evidence of relevant experience.

administration for community living address - Staff of the Office for Performance and Evaluation oversee the evaluations and act as liaisons between program staff and evaluation contractors

The Director of the Office of Performance and Evaluation serves as the Administration for Community Living evaluation officer. OPE, which oversees the agency's performance and evaluation work, has seven full time staff positions and in FY19 had a budget of approximately $11.5 million. To provide a framework for the workshop's discussions, two keynote speakers talked about what maximizing independence and community living mean, the successes that have already been achieved, the challenges that lie ahead, and suggestions for how to meet those challenges. Kathy Greenlee, the Administrator of the Administration for Community Living and the Assistant Secretary for Aging in the U.S.

administration for community living address - While program staff are encouraged to write forwards for evaluation reports

Puppies Dressed As Pandas Go Viral

A video of some adorable white fluffy puppies dressed as pandas has gone viral online, despite the creator's content having been reported many times. A video of two puppies dressed up as pandas has gone viral online, but the creator revealed that his content was previously reported by Karens trolls. A video of two puppies dressed up as pandas has gone viral online, but the creator revealed that his content was previously reported by "Karens & trolls." A video of some adorable white fluffy puppies dressed as a panda has gone viral on the internet, despite the creator's content being flagged multiple times. Despite the creator's content being reported numerous times, a video of some cute white fluffy dogs disguised as pandas has gone popular online.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - A video of some adorable white fluffy puppies dressed as pandas has gone viral online

A video of the dogs roaming around the cafe has gone viral on Chinese social media. 'Zoom bombing' is a thing and this guy is the king of it. An Indiana woman shared a hilarious post to show exactly this. Photos shared by her show how her husband would make it a point to make an appearance on her Zoom conference calls. What's funny though is how he'd go the extra mile and dress up in funny costumes to embarrass her.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - A video of two puppies dressed up as pandas has gone viral online

Well, we're not sure how embarrassed she is but he has managed to go viral in the process. Following the online response, the cafe said on its Weibo page that it would not continue to offer the dyeing service. We wanted to do something different, to differentiate us from other regular dog cafes and pet shops," the owner of the cafe, surnamed Huang, told local media.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - A video of two puppies dressed up as pandas has gone viral online

In a viral tick tock video, some cute dogs were dressed like pandas. Despite repeated reports of the creator's content, a video of some cute white-tailed dog dressed as a panda has gone viral online. Three cute puppies from the litter look like pandas and the other three have different markings. The video is kept in an office, and the cute little dogs have panda hoods on their ears and their forelegs are dressed in black, with tiny fake arms hanging around their necks.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - A video of some adorable white fluffy puppies dressed as a panda has gone viral on the internet

Although many obviously consider the pets dressed as pandas to be wholly harmless, pet insurance provider Petplan reveals that there are potential problems with putting animals in outfits. A Melbourne COVID worker has started a social media account sharing images of the dogs which brighten the tough days of her and her colleagues. Some adorable pups were dressed up as pandas in this viral TikTok video. Although many clearly consider pets dressed as a panda to be completely harmless, it does provide pet insurance Petplan Reveals potential problems with dressing animals. Some adorable puppies were dressed as pandas in a viral TikTok video. The sharks all agree that the costumes, which provide plenty of laughs in the tank, are adorable.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - Despite the creators content being reported numerous times

The panda costume started out as a viral hit, accumulating more than 140 million views on YouTube. At a time when more people compete for fewer jobs, are you sure you present your skills and abilities well to a potential employer? Listen to Rob and Neil's conversation and learn some related vocabulary. The first item was 'meme' – a picture or video with an amusing caption that a lot of people share with each other online. For example, "I tried to show Neil a hilarious meme about a grumpy cat."

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - A video of the dogs roaming around the cafe has gone viral on Chinese social media

The netizens reacted to the video with many lovely comments. A cafe in China featuring chow chow dogs painted as panda cubs has prompted widespread criticism over the treatment of the pets. The litter of puppies was born in the Jiangsu region in Northeastern China. Neither of their parents looks much like panda dogs – mom was a local rural dog and dad was a Pekinese.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - Zoom bombing is a thing and this guy is the king of it

Although many people clearly consider wearing a pet as a panda to be completely harmless, pet insurance providers. Stomach plan Reveals that there are potential problems with putting animals in clothes. Dogs dressed like pandas went viral when trolls reported it at the behest of the creator. The video is set in an office, and the little dogs have a panda hood over their furry ears and their front legs are clothed in black material, with little fake arms hang under their necks. But the gap between rich and poor is still very wide in individual countries.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - An Indiana woman shared a hilarious post to show exactly this

Listen to Rob and Harry's discussion, and learn some related vocabulary. Workers in Sweden take part in experiment which allows them to get in and out of their office without a key, ID or password. Listen to Neil and Harry's chat and learn some related vocabulary. The UK has become the first country to approve legislation allowing the creation of babies with genetic material from three people.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - Photos shared by her show how her husband would make it a point to make an appearance on her Zoom conference calls

Listen to Neil and Harry's conversation and learn some related vocabulary. The number of schoolchildren doing part-time jobs in the UK has fallen. Neil and Dan discuss the pros and cons of working while you're still at school. Rob is keen to share funny videos - he loves cat ones. The video of the panda being released into the forest was shared by Ramesh Pandey who is an Indian Forest Service Officer. The video is 22 seconds long and showcases the red panda in the cage.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - Whats funny though is how hed go the extra mile and dress up in funny costumes to embarrass her

Then, the forest officials take the cage in the forest and open its doors so that the red panda can easily escape through the doors of the cage. After a little hustle, while figuring out the escape route, the panda finally jumps out of the cage and runs into the forest. A red panda was recently rescued from a river in the Shi-Yomi district of Arunachal Pradesh. Following this, the panda was released into the forest on Saturday, June 26. The video of the red panda is running crazily viral over the internet and gaining netizens' lovely reactions.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - Well

Meanwhile, people on LinkedIn also loved his antics. The post has collected over 6,297 reactions and more than 300 comments since it was shared three weeks ago. Owner Lu Yunning only opened last month but he and his six chow-chow puppies have exploded on Chinese social media. At just over $200 they'll dye puppies in black and white to resemble one of China's national symbols. A photo of Magnum, a dog who was once famous in the Clutha region, helped track down the owner of a phone which was found at the bottom of the country's highest volume river. Others, calling the animals "panda dogs", defended the cafe owner's right to change the pets' appearance.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - Following the online response

Oh, and there are so many possibilities for dogs when it comes to Halloween costume ideas, that we've even lost the count. More than 3,100 comments were left below the video, and many people questioned why the footage was being reported. The film is set in an office, and the little dogs have panda hoods over their fuzzy ears and black material on their front legs, with little artificial limbs dangling from their necks. More than 3,100 comments have been left beneath the video, with many people wondering why the footage was reported. Listen to Rob and Finn's chat and learn some related vocabulary.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - We wanted to do something different

Is bullying just an attempt to give a bad name to what is part of human nature? Listen to Rob and Neil's chat and learn some related vocabulary. About 37,000 tourists are expected to visit Antarctica this season. But should they be going to a region with such a sensitive environment? Listen to Rob and Neil's conversation and learn some new vocabulary.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - In a viral tick tock video

The price of vaccines has escalated and some poor countries are struggling to prevent children from catching certain life-threatening diseases, says Medecins Sans Frontieres. Listen to Rob and Neil's discussion, and learn some related vocabulary. Dan and Neil discuss the pros and cons of this digital currency. Would you pay more for coffee if you knew it was doing some good?

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - Despite repeated reports of the creators content

Dan and Catherine discuss the pros and cons of ethically produced coffee. How small changes can make a big difference to people with mental health issues at work. We talk about being a saver in a consumer culture and discuss the meaning of 'thrift' through history. 'Peers' are people the same age as our selves who share the same social position in a group. This 3-dimensional animation of a baby dancing the cha-cha was one of the first viral videos released in the late 1990s.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - Three cute puppies from the litter look like pandas and the other three have different markings

Another popular one was the Hamster Dance by Hampton the Hamster, which appeared in 1997. So it's all about being connected and deepening the bonds between ourselves and our peers. Our peers are people the same age as ourselves who share the same social position in a group. We share emotions, which allow us to deepen the bonds we have with our peers and with our friends.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - The video is kept in an office

An image, video, or other piece of information goes viral when it gets passed on very quickly from person to person on the internet. "It is a hit among parents who want to spend a fun-filled day with their children or lovers who come here to celebrate their anniversaries or special days," she said. Jiang has cashed in on their popularity, offering people to come over to play with the dogs and have a photo shoot. This photo was part of Mars Petcare Comedy Pet Photo Awards, which celebrate pets and the best photos of them. But one puppy is melting hearts on the internet after his owner shared the moment he discovered the perils of trying to eat a bee for the first time.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - Although many obviously consider the pets dressed as pandas to be wholly harmless

While medications fight the infection, therapy can help control the OCD. A therapist will give your child strategies to deal with OCD thoughts and fears. It's important for you to learn what goes on in therapy so you can help your child apply it at home. If your child doesn't or didn't have strep, they don't have PANDAS.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - A Melbourne COVID worker has started a social media account sharing images of the dogs which brighten the tough days of her and her colleagues

But their symptoms could still be part of an immune system response gone wrong. PANDAS is part of a larger group of autoimmune diseases that affect the brain called pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome . The symptoms are similar, but they may be triggered by something other than strep.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - Some adorable pups were dressed up as pandas in this viral TikTok video

Your child's doctor may order blood tests or brain scans to see if a different infection or something else entirely is causing the symptoms. A test for the strep bacteria or a history of the bacteria is necessary to confirm your child has PANDAS, which can mimic other disorders. If it doesn't show up after a throat swab or antibody test, the doctor should check other places strep tends to hide, like the sinuses or your child's bottom and genitals. A blood test can show whether your child had a recent strep infection even if they recovered.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - Although many clearly consider pets dressed as a panda to be completely harmless

"He has always loved wearing ridiculous things in public to embarrass me," Fields told Bored Panda. With Fields working at home, her husband found yet another opportunity to make mischief. It's so strange to see a team of people laughing while you're presenting, and then realizing something ridiculous is going on behind you," she added.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - Some adorable puppies were dressed as pandas in a viral TikTok video

Lu says visitors have doubled since the panda dogs got famous. According to Butterfield, the social media fame is a nice break from working from home, schooling her kids, and surviving the pandemic. A woman has been told she cannot take her recently passed grandmother's dog to visit her grave in Melbourne. From puppies trapped in house fires to stricken sea life, this series of animal rescues all have a happy ending. Chow chow dogs painted as giant pandas in the Chengdu cafe.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - The sharks all agree that the costumes

Critics say dyeing the chow chows to resemble panda cubs could damage their skin. While picking out your Halloween costume this year, don't forget to include your pet into the fun! After all, the more, the merrier is the slogan of this festivity. And with a safe and comfortable costume for pets, your little four-legged pal can easily join in on the fun. We have sent an email to the address you provided with an activation link. Check your inbox, and click on the link to activate your account.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - The panda costume started out as a viral hit

President Biden addressed the need for Congress to increase the debt ceiling and prevent the nation from defaulting on its loans. He said Republicans need to get out of the way and allow Democrats to raise the debt limit. CBS News senior White House and political correspondent Ed O'Keefe joins CBSN to discuss the president's remarks. President Biden's ambitious domestic legislative agenda, including infrastructure and social programs spending, hangs in the balance as moderate and progressive Democrats negotiate terms. Meanwhile, the nation's debt crisis looms as Congress must act to increase the debt limit or risk defaulting.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - At a time when more people compete for fewer jobs

CBS News senior White House and political correspondent Ed O'Keefe joins CBSN AM to discuss. Next The lamb acts like a pet dog, crawling on the sofa in the charming video. More than 3,100 comments have been left at the bottom of the video, leaving many wondering why the footage was reported. Despite the fact that many people clearly regard pets costumed as pandas to be.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - Listen to Rob and Neil

O'Leary doesn't understand the concept of dressing up dogs and goes out, followed by Mark Cuban and Lori Greiner. Daymond John, however, likes the costumes and offers $60,000 for 35 percent, 10 percent of which will go towards animal charities. Blakely then jumps in with an offer of $60,000 for 35 percent. Chen questions whether they would partner, but John declines. Guest shark Sara Blakely thinks the costumes are high quality and thinks the pricing is perfect.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - The first item was

In three years, they have done $300,000 in sales and are profitable. They hope to get enough inventory together in time for Halloween with an investment from a shark. Officials have speculated that children are spreading the virus at school, but have not identified publicly any "outbreaks." This year marks the 50th anniversary of Winston Churchill's death.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - For example

He is known throughout the world for his role in defeating Nazi Germany but he also made mistakes. Listen to Neil and Mike's discussion, and learn new vocabulary. But people are realising that they must act now to stop further losses.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - The netizens reacted to the video with many lovely comments

A scheme to save the Asian elephant in China could provide an answer. Fifty years ago, on 18 March 1965, Soviet astronaut Alexei Leonov took the first space walk. Listen to Rob and Neil describing the struggles of that ground-breaking space mission whilst explaining some related vocabulary.

puppies dressed as pandas go viral - A cafe in China featuring chow chow dogs painted as panda cubs has prompted widespread criticism over the treatment of the pets

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